
Fallout new vegas ncr trooper
Fallout new vegas ncr trooper

  • 15 Vertibirds (most destroyed on ground at Nova Roma).
  • fallout new vegas ncr trooper fallout new vegas ncr trooper

  • 2 F-108 "Rapier" Fighters (NCR Air Force).
  • 61 Vertibirds (40 NCR, 20 Brotherhood, 1 Enclave Remnant).
  • ~300 assorted artillery pieces (35 Boomers, remainder NCR Army).
  • ~200 robots (including 50 New Vegas Securitrons).
  • ~12,000 infantry (all factions combined).
  • Destruction of the Legion's Army of ArizonaĪll Legion areas annexed into the NCR and the Arizonan Republic.
  • Caesar's Legion is expelled from Arizona.
  • An NCR Trooper overlooking the Arizona Wasteland Near Kingman, AZ

    Fallout new vegas ncr trooper